A complete guide for press release distribution: Everything you need to know


Press release distribution is a way to send out your press release to the relevant members of journalists to spread the information and make an announcement or a statement. Digital PR campaigns are a significant way to boost a campaign you are working on or to give something interesting to the media.

After creating a list of journalists specializing in your niche, businesses can send their press releases to them. Otherwise, companies can pitch to new outlets to get exclusive coverage. There are tons of options available when it comes to the press release distribution.

Why is press release distribution essential?

Press release distribution can be central to making your story available for the news. Getting massive coverage in the news will bring:

  • Increased revenue
  • Increased website traffic
  • Enhanced brand awareness

PR submissions are a great way to keep your audience informed and effectively communicate the stories that matter. Press release distribution allows you to disperse your story on multiple levels, such as:

  • Online
  • Regional
  • National
  • Expert outlets

After writing a newsworthy press release, it is essential to have a killing PR distribution service to get fruitful results.

Ways to Press Release Distribution

It is quickly done through the Press release distribution service. The other way is to distribute it by utilizing your business’s contact list. This is time-consuming, and the press release may not get the attention the company is aiming for. Following are some of the ways press release distribution works:

  • Find and curate a list of journalists or media members in the same niche as the business. Establish a good connection and then pitch the press release. This is the most effective way to do so because otherwise, the journalists will overlook it and get the coverage.
  • Personalization is the key when emailing a journalist, and it should be under 200.
  • The headline must be attention grabbing.
  • Most journalists preferred to be pitched on Monday & Tuesday.
  • Send a follow-up email 3-7 days after your initial pitch.
  • Gone are the days when businesses only used traditional methods for press release distribution. Now, most PR professionals also leverage the relevant audience of bloggers and influencers. For onboarding them, consider the following:
  1. Send a short but well-crafted message regarding the news
  2. Consider contacting their PR agencies for faster response.


Observing and Analyzing Performance

Measuring the metrics of the press release to analyze its effectiveness and make informed decisions in the future is essential. PR experts use multiple tools to assess the key performance indicators (KPIs), such as:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Engagement-rates
  • Website Traffic

The coverage provided by the media gives the following measures:

  • Reach
  • Visibility
  • Audience engagement

Businesses can use analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Hub Spot, and others to understand their PR campaign performance comprehensively.

Analyzing the press release distribution will also allow us to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Inspecting the platforms, content formats, and messages that align with the target audience will help businesses refine their message and improve the content for their upcoming issues.


Combining Press Releases into the Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy and the press release go hand in hand. Creating a tenacious narrative that enhances the brand message by aligning the press releases with other implementations such as;

  • Advertising
  • Content marketing
  • SEO
  • Email campaign

Benefits of Press Release Distribution

Press releases usually bring many benefits to the company. Following are some of the benefits of the press release distribution:

  • It enhances the SEO of businesses
  • Increased sales
  • Enhanced customer loyalty
  • Coverage for upcoming or new products or services

Press Release Distribution Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes during the Submit free press release distribution will come at a cost and affect the story. Following are some of the common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  • Wrong timing, right content. The publish date of the press release distribution matters a lot; otherwise, the story will get lost in the flood of the journalist’s email folder. Make sure that businesses are sending out the pitches and follow-ups at the best times.
  • Avoid writing long press releases to get the chance to be featured. Journalists love to read short, on-point stories to get the maximum information. In addition, remember to add the contact information in your pitch so they can get more details about the story.

Targeting the right audience will only benefit both businesses and journalists. That is why it is necessary to curate a list of journalists working in the same niche as businesses.

In a Nutshell, Key Things to Consider for Press Release Distribution

Here is a list of the core components for press release distribution to consider:

  • Conduct thorough research of the target audience
  • List of journalists working on the same audience
  • Know the best day and time to send out a pitch
  • Add the contact information
  • Attention-grabbing headline
  • Use of PR distribution service

If you checked all the components, the press release is ready to be distributed to its respective channels. Now, just sit back and see the results.

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